The O.S.P.
The O.S.P. stands for, of course, Original Scratching Post. This was my first `approved' scratching love (ie - not a chair, couch, or leg), a cheap-ass corrugated piece of glued together cardboard that I fell in love with immediately after it was cracked open. I think I spent the first 8 hours of our existence together licking it. It nicely satisfies a couple of my urges: 1) laying on top of things; 2) scratching the hell out of things; 3) random object licking. Also, the grooves of the cardboard capture The Nip that gets sprinkled upon it - I can't explain how awesome rolling around on it gets when there's Nip involved. Finally, the soothing rainbow graphics on a blue background with cartoon kitties is very appealing, and truly Cosmic.